Miércoles 30 de marzo de 2016

Beca para estudiantes de Grado del Programa E+ de la Unión Europea.


Programa Erasmus+ KA107 University of Lodz – Polonia.

Abiertas a estudiantes de grado de las Facultades de Ciencias Económicas; Facultad de Ciencias Humanas; y, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales.

Convocatoria abierta hasta el día miércoles 13 de abril de 2016 inclusive


Cobertura de la Beca:

* Pasajes aéreos

* Coste de Visa por hasta 60 Euros

* 25 Euros por día de beca durante todo el semestre

* Curso introductorio al  idioma Polaco previo el inicio de clases


Details of the documents required:

Submit the following documents - in English - to the International Office.

Application documents has to be named in particular way (name of document_student name and surname eg. Application form_John Malkovich)


      1.            Application form (in both .doc and .pdf format)

      2.            Preliminary Learning Agreement

      3.            Transcript of records

      4.            Cover Letter

      5.            Certificate of student status from your university (Please note that student cannot undertake mobility during last study semester)

      6.            English language certificate if student has one

      7.            Scanned copy of the last school/educational certificate or degree obtained – eg. high school certificate, BA diploma, or MA diploma.

      8.            Other documents confirming your qualifications and achievements

      9.            A scanned copy of the passport – the page with your picture


Final selection of the grantee will be after an skype interview by the University of Lodz by 30th of April.


Mayor información:
